Coaching journeys

Coaching journeys are designed to help executives and CEO who want to have longer term support for their personal and/or business growth.

Why a coaching journey?

People often call on us for quick and effective short term fixes which are great in some ways but can just be a sticking plaster that covers up some fundamental issues that are getting in the way of real success. What we’ve found in our 20 years of coaching practice is that a longer term intervention results in significantly greater return on investment. The coaching journeys We’ve delivered to various clients have resulted in big shifts which have made a real difference to their lives.


What does a coaching journey look like?

You can choose a 3 month or a 6 month journey and some clients will find they want to extend the journey to take things even further. The decision is yours.

You will get a phone call, Skype call, face to face session every week. At the end of each session we will agree concrete actions to be taken and We will provide a short synopsis of the session by e-mail. E-mail support is included in the package if you have questions in between sessions.

Why come to JRC for a coaching journey?

  • 20 years experience with corporate and personal clients
  • Business and personal development specialist
  • Personal development profiling with Insights and Motivational Maps
  • Exemplar portfolio life
  • Many development tools
  • Continuous personal and professional development
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BEGINS: xx MESE 2016




Robert Jhonson Founder JRC USA


Robert Jhonson, born into a poor family, father carpenter and mother at home. Hard years have made him what he is today. Robert Jhonson is an internationally renowned author and speaker in the fields of self-development, analysis and business strategy, leadership, lifestyle medicine and spiritual growth. Over the course of more than two decades of his career, he has written more than 20 books, including 6 New York Times bestsellers whose rights have been transferred to an association committed to fighting world hunger. Consultant to many global industries worldwide. His work is based on a rigorous understanding of the context of each institutional client, sector dynamics and macroeconomic context. It studies emerging markets, trends and best practices, in every sector and region, locally and globally.

Guided by values

our values

We strive to build a relationship of trust with every client, for the long-term.

  • We guard client confidences.
  • We don’t publicize our work for our clients.
  • We express the truth as we see it.
  • We will only take on an engagement if we believe we can create value for the client substantially in excess of our professional fees.