What is JR healthy workplace
Jhonson Robert Company offers services to all workplaces worldwide to help them support and encourage their workers to make positive lifestyle changes that benefit everyone.
Jhonson Robert Company is proud to be partnered with American States and Territories Governments initiative under the National Partnership Agreement on Preventative Health. JR Healthier Workplace exists to help workplaces and employees improve at work by making positive health changes to knowledge, behaviours and the workplace environment.
JR Healthier Workplace offers programs on site (face to face), online or phone consultations to provide you with the support and advice to implement a successful workplace health program. Contact us to schedule a consultation.
We also have a number of specialist programs available to workplaces ready to implement changes and encourage healthy behaviour.
The HW core objectives are:
- Increase wellbeing.
- Increase happiness and productivity.
- Increase the number of adults at a healthy weight.
- Increase the number of adults consuming fruit and vegetables.
- Increase the number of adults doing 30 minutes of moderate physical activity on five or more days a week.
- Decrease stress factors.
- Decrease the number of adults smoking daily.
- Decrease the number of adults drinking too much alcohol.
They address these objectives through consultation with Authorities, physicians orders, business and professional associations, providing support and direction in the planning and implementation of workplace health and wellbeing policies and initiatives.
Contact us to arrange to speak with one of our Advisors.
If your workplace does not yet have a health and wellbeing program, then our ‘Quick Start’ is for you. Is designed to give your workplace some easy, practical ways to encourage workers to become healthier, happier and more productive!
For those workplaces that already have a health and wellbeing program, our Quick Start can provide you with some simple and easy ways to expand your program.
give you tools and resources. It’s a cyclical process; so it means that you can continually change things and improve.
In a workplace health and wellbeing program involves:
- Developing health-related policies
- Creating a work environment that supports good health
- Encouraging active participation in activities
- Developing healthy attitudes and behaviours in workers through education
Scroll to ‘Plan’ and start your journey to building a healthier workplace now.
JR Healthier Workplace offers programs onsite (face to face) or phone consultations to provide you with the support and advice to implement a successful workplace health program. Contact us to schedule a consultation.
Good planning helps to ensure a successful program. The phrase: “failing to plan, is planning to fail” is true for any project, including a workplace health and wellbeing program. There are some crucial elements within the planning process, that when complete will give your program the best chance of making a difference to the health and wellbeing of your workers. These include: gaining management support, identifying the priorities for your workplace health and wellbeing program, and consulting with staff.
Once you have decided on the priorities for your workplace, you can begin to implement your program. A successful workplace health and wellbeing program considers three key areas. These are:
- Policy
- Supportive environments
- Education and activities
It’s best practice to have a combination of strategies covering all three elements. This way, you will have maximum impact and will be more likely to see long lasting effects on the health/behaviour of workers.
Reviewing your workplace health and wellbeing program is very important as it helps you determine if your strategies have been successful and if you have met your program goals and objectives.
What is the Recognised Healthy Workplace Program?
The Recognised Healthy Workplace program was developed in partnership with Authorities, physicians orders, business and professional associations. It aims to recognise workplaces in us that are demonstrating leadership in the area of workplace health and wellbeing by providing:
- supportive policies and procedures that encourage healthy behaviours
- facilities and infrastructure that encourage healthy behaviours
- education and awareness raising sessions to improve the health and wellbeing of staff
- healthy activities
The level of recognition your workplace receives depends on the size of your organisation and criteria achieved. For more information on the application process, click here:
Why should I apply?
Being recognised can:
- Enhance the reputation of your business
- Make you an employer of choice when recruiting new staff
- Demonstrate your commitment to health and wellbeing and increase staff retention
- Provide an opportunity to celebrate and share your success
- Affirm and grow your workplace culture
Your workplace will receive:
- A Recognised Healthy Workplace certificate
- A bronze, silver or gold icon to display on your website or on job ads to attract new staff
- A detailed profile on our website
- Opportunities to be promoted through social media and industry publications, magazines & newsletters
- Access to the Recognised Healthy Workplace network group
- Ongoing support and advice to improve your program
Does your workplace have an existing health and wellbeing program? Enhance your organisation’s reputation and get recognised now!
Jhonson Robert Founder JRC USA
Robert Jhonson, born into a poor family, father carpenter and mother at home. Hard years have made him what he is today. Robert Jhonson is an internationally renowned author and speaker in the fields of self-development, analysis and business strategy, leadership, lifestyle medicine and spiritual growth. Over the course of more than two decades of his career, he has written more than 20 books, including 6 New York Times bestsellers whose rights have been transferred to an association committed to fighting world hunger. Consultant to many global industries worldwide. His work is based on a rigorous understanding of the context of each institutional client, sector dynamics and macroeconomic context. It studies emerging markets, trends and best practices, in every sector and region, locally and globally.
Guided by values
We strive to build a relationship of trust with every client, for the long-term.
- We guard client confidences.
- We don’t publicize our work for our clients.
- We express the truth as we see it.
- We will only take on an engagement if we believe we can create value for the client substantially in excess of our professional fees.